
Traces of biodiversity in the Nature Park Karwendel

For each participant, three euros will be invested in the ambitious “Traces of Biodiversity” project, which aims to preserve and expand the unique nature and biodiversity of the Nature Park Karwendel. This pioneering initiative is being promoted along the entire route of the Karwendelmarsch, allowing sports enthusiasts not only to push themselves to their limits but also to make a valuable contribution to the protection of nature.

The combination of sporting challenge and nature conservation creates a unique atmosphere that makes the Karwendelmarsch an unforgettable experience for all participants.

Overview of the route of the Karwendelmarsch with species protection measures marked along the way:

Objective of the project

The aim is to implement concrete measures to preserve and improve biodiversity on all alpine pastures along the 52-kilometre route within five years. The measures are divided into six categories: Shingle roofs, alpine pasture management, wetland protection, natural forest reserves, replanting, knowledge & research. They primarily affect traditional alpine pastures, but also neighbouring forests.

Implementation strategy: from red to green!

The partners do not just start at the beginning. Measures to protect biodiversity and the landscape have already been in place for years on individual mountain pastures, such as the Laliderer Alm (see graphic above). What is new is that, thanks to the additional financial possibilities, all the mountain pastures along the route are now to be integrated step by step. The following approach was chosen for this:
• Selection of first areas
• First inspection together with Marina Hausberger from the Nature Park Karwendel
• First meeting with the alpine farmers
• Basic selection of the first two project areas (Gramai Hochleger, forest)
• Specialist research on the two project areas (incl. historical aerial photographs)
• Delineation of the specific alpine pasture maintenance areas in a second meeting with the alpine pasture farmers as a basis for the authorisation at the BH Schwaz
• First meeting with the landowner of the forest area