Top tips for rainy weather
The last fifteen years of the Karwendelmarsch have shown that it is either pretty hot or pretty wet. Unfortunately, the participants have not been completely spared from persistent rain in some years. Nevertheless, motivation was always high. And as we know: ‘There is no bad weather, only bad clothing!’ Or bad preparation. To help you prepare, we have summarised the most important tips for you.

1. plan packing list
Clothing is the most important protection against the rain. With a few clever outfit considerations, the ‘plague’ of rain becomes a side note during the race. In addition to the obvious addition to the packing list, the waterproof rain jacket, it makes sense to think about other items of equipment:
- Gore-Tex socks
- Headgear with water transport
- Glasses with clear lens
- Gloves
- Sleeves
- Running shoes with a good profile
2. stay dry
Given the number of starters, it’s not always easy to find a dry spot right before the race. However, staying dry for as long as possible can pay off. On the one hand, the clothing absorbs later, which means less weight in tow, at least for the first few (kilo-)metres. Secondly, you keep the chance of escaping the rain completely if it ends abruptly. And thirdly, for most people it is – at least subconsciously – a question of motivation to start the race dry.
The solution: umbrellas or creative solutions like that of Karwendelmarsch winner Meex, who quickly converted a rubbish bag.

3. keep moving
Wetness and cold temperatures cool the body down. The antidote: warm up! When the body is at ‘operating temperature’, everything is easier, even when the rain is pelting down on you. Some ideas for a classic warm-up programme:
- Leg lifter
- Arm circles
- Lunge
- Goose step
- Torso flexion
It also makes sense to keep moving during breaks in the race, such as at refreshment stations. Even if it’s just ‘jumping around’.
4. Refreshment stations
During the Karwendelmarsch, there is also the opportunity to warm up from the inside out. At the refreshment stations, participants can enjoy teas and hot soups to energise them.
- Hot tip: vegetable or blueberry soup!
No matter what the weather is like at the Karwendelmarsch: With the right attitude, every run is a pleasure – and every participant a winner.