FAQs – Frequently asked questions

Here you will find all frequently asked questions and the answers. Please read this page first or ask our chatbot before sending us an email. Thank you very much!

How can I register for the Karwendelmarsch?

The maximum number of participants is 2,500. Please click the following link for information on registration and participation fees: https://www.karwendelmarsch.info/en/registration-2/

Can I register several participants at the same time?

Yes, you can register several participants at the same time.

What are the methods of payment for the entry fee 2025?
  • Sepa direct debit (participants from GER and AUT only)
  • Credit card EUR (Visa/Master)
  • Credit card CHF (Visa/Master)
  • Credit card GBP (Visa/Master)
  • PayPal (EUR)
  • Bank transfer (to European account)
  • Bank transfer (from Swiss account)
  • Swiss PostFinance
What are the conditions for participation and rules of conduct?

By submitting the entry form, each participant agrees to the competition conditions and the rules of conduct. We expressly point out once again that part of the course is in alpine terrain and that the runners are aware of the risk of injury in the event of a fall. No liability is accepted for theft or other damage. Participation is at the runner’s own risk. In particular, each participant is responsible for their physical fitness.

Can I bring my dog?

Dogs are not allowed.

What kind of footwear is required for the Karwendelmarsch?

The entire route of the Karwendelmarsch runs through alpine terrain and therefore you should wear appropriate shoes. Especially in wet conditions mountain boots are recommended.

Where does the route take us?

The Karwendelmarsch is a 52-kilometre race through the Karwendel mountains with an elevation gain of 2,300 metres, leading over forest roads and mountain trails. The first few kilometres climb steadily, then after 18 km you will reach the Karwendelhaus at an elevation of 1,771 metres. The route descends to the Kleine Ahornboden, where you arrive after ca. 25 km. To reach the Eng, the finishing point of the 35 km route, you walk or run past the Falkenhütte (1,848 m) and the Hohljoch. If you decide to tackle the full distance of the Karwendelmarsch, you will complete the remaining 12 kilometres of the route via the Binsalm (1,502 m) and the Gramai Hochleger (1,756 m). As you descend, you come across two refreshment stations (Gramai and Falzthurn), and you can enjoy post-race snacks at the finishing point in Pertisau. Click on the following link to view the elevation profile and more information: https://www.karwendelmarsch.info/en/route/

Can I register for 52 km and finish after 35 km?

If you do not complete the full distance of the Karwendelmarsch 52 km and finish at the Eng, you will automatically be transferred to the 35 km results list.

The Karwendelmarsch running category is only to be completed over 52 km. If you finish the course earlier, you will be disqualified. However, you can change your name on the results list afterwards by sending an email to info@karwendelmarsch.info. A service fee of EUR 15.00 will be charged.

Please note: Transport of clothes is only available between Scharnitz and Pertisau!

Every finisher will receive a medal and a finisher pack!

Why are there time limits?

For safety reasons, time limits were introduced.

All participants must have passed the Karwendelhaus by 11.30 (35 & 52 km) and the second mat at the Eng control station (Großer Ahornboden) by 14.00 (52 km) at the latest. Passing the rest of the course later than this is out of competition (without start number) and outside the official event times. Participants are responsible for any return transfer costs. Please note that the refreshment stations, first aid posts and emergency services will be withdrawn from the course with the final runner from 14.00.

  • The organizer reserves the right to withdraw any participant who appears unable to complete the course within the time limit or reach the finish line Eng. Such runners will be approached by the mountain rescue team/last runner/course marshals and instructed to end the race.
  • Finish in Eng (35km) is at 17.00; finish in Pertisau am Achensee (52km) is at 20.00.
Is there a transport of clothes to the Eng available?

For organisational reasons, transport of clothes to the Eng is not available.

Are transfers available to the start in Scharnitz and back from the finishing points?

Transfers are available to the starting point and also back from the finishing points. Transfers must be booked in advance. Please click on the following link for more information: https://www.karwendelmarsch.info/en/transfer/

Are there refreshment stations along the route?

There are ten refreshment stations along the route providing drinks and organic mid-run snacks by “Bio vom Berg”. 

What is the difference between the categories hiking and running?

In the running category, the focus is on the sporting achievements of the participants. Another difference lies in the classification of the individual competitions: For hikers, there is a general ranking for all participants, whereas for runners there are different ratings by age and gender. Click on the following link for detailed information on the individual competitions and race categories: https://www.karwendelmarsch.info/en/important-information/

Is running allowed in the hiking category?

Running in the hiking category or walking in the running category will not result in disqualification.

Are hiking poles allowed?

Poles may be used. Please be careful using poles for steep ascents and descents. It is also important to be considerate of the participants following behind you.

Is there a mandatory equipment list?

The route runs through alpine terrain and participants should have suitable equipment. In general, there is no mandatory equipment. However, we recommend bringing sufficient water, bandages, rain protection, sunscreen and running hats/caps. Checking the current weather report will help you pack your rucksack for the Karwendelmarsch. We reserve the right to conduct random inspections in case of extreme weather conditions (snowfall, sleet, etc.).

I have problems registering or paying online, what can I do?

The online registration and payment of the entry fee will be processed via the platform my.raceresult.com of raceresult AG. If you have any questions, please contact raceresult timing BW GmbH by email.

Are race spots limited?

Yes, due to environmental protection regulations the number of participants of the Karwendelmarsch is limited to 2,500 people. Since the entire route of the competition runs through Austria’s largest nature reserve, the efforts to reduce the environmental impact are essential to make the event more sustainable.

Can I change my data after registration?

You can change information submitted by you (name, sports club, etc.) by clicking the link in your confirmation email. The provider will charge a service fee of EUR 15.00. The deadline for changes is 20 August at midnight.

I didn’t get a race spot but I want to participate at all costs. What can I do?

If you did not manage to get a place in the Karwendelmarsch, check out the transfer platform on our website. Each year, the platform is open until a certain date, after that transfers will no longer be possible.

Is it possible to transfer the starting place to the following year?

The starting place is only valid for the year purchased. It is not possible to take it with you.

My details on the finisher list are not correct. Can I have them changed?

Yes – details such as year of birth, club, discipline and e-mail address can be changed by the team via e-mail (info@karwendelmarsch.info). A service fee of EUR 15,- will be charged. Name changes can only be made before participation = re-registration.

Is there an award ceremony for the 35 km competition?

To recognize athletes finishing after 35 km in the Eng, they will be greeted and presented with their finishers medal. There won’t be an extra award ceremony for completing the 35 km stage.

What should I do with lost property found during the Karwendelmarsch?

If you find a pair of sunglasses, a purse, jewellery, etc. along the way, you are welcome to hand in the valuable items at one of the feed stations or at the information desk in the finish area. An exact description of where the item was found will help us find the owner.

Is parking available?

For Karwendelmarsch participants, free parking is available on the day of the event both in Pertisau near the finish and in Scharnitz near the start. The local fire brigade will guide you to the correct car parks.
For spectators, the public car parks are available for a fee.

Can race spots be transferred?

You can transfer your place in the Karwendelmarsch to another runner looking to run in the same race category as you entered. You can change the data yourself by clicking the link in your confirmation email. The provider will charge a service fee of EUR 15.00. ATTENTION: You cannot change the start number and race category. Transfers are possible until 20 August at midnight.

Insurance policies already booked are personal and non-transferable. A new mountain protection or entry fee insurance can be taken out when re-registering.

How are times measured?

Times are measured by a chip integrated in the racing bib (start number). Please make sure the bib is always visible and not covered by anything.

What is the difference between gross & net time?

The gross time is the time run from the starting signal to the personal finish, regardless of the actual time of crossing the start line. The net time is the actual running time, i.e. the time that elapses from crossing the start line to the finish.

Are shower facilities available?

There are showers at the finish area.

What should I do if I am ill or injured and cannot start?

It is recommended that you purchase cancellation insurance when registering online, as in such a case the entry fee (without additional services) will be refunded.

In the event of non-participation in the booked event due to acute illness or accident through no fault of the participant, the insurance company must be contacted within 7 days for a refund of the entry fee already paid:

KNOX Versicherungsmanagement GmbH
Resselstraße 33 A-6020 Innsbruck
Phone: +43 (0) 512 238300
E-mail: karwendelmarsch-versicherung@sichermitknox.com

Here you can find all details about the insurance.

What do I have to do if I want to make use of the mountain protection insurance I have purchased?

The conclusion of a protection insurance when registering online is always recommended, as you are insured for the duration of the contract (24 hours) in the event of an accident or mountain emergency.

An accident must be reported to KNOX Versicherungsmanagement GmbH immediately, at the latest within one week, by telephone or in writing.

KNOX Versicherungsmanagement GmbH
Resselstraße 33 A-6020 Innsbruck
Phone: +43 (0) 512 238300
E-mail: karwendelmarsch-versicherung@sichermitknox.com

In addition, KNOX Versicherungsmanagement GmbH must be provided with all relevant information requested.
Here you can find all details about the insurance.