Creating Awareness

In the heart of the wildlife park Karwendel

Creating awareness for nature in general and, in particular, for the Naturpark Karwendel nature conservation region, is seen by the organisers as an integral part of the Karwendelmarsch hike and, therefore, it constitutes a constant theme throughout the programme’s concept, which has the overall aim of raising participants’ awareness of the beauty and significance of the Karwendel region.

On the basis of experience gained during the event in 2009, the following awareness raising programme has been devised and modified where appropriate:

Registration of Participants:

Commitment to the protection of the Naturpark and to the code of conduct. Visitors to the site are made aware that the Naturpark Karwendel is a protected area and, as such, must be treated with particular care and attention. Those wishing to participate and sign up have to give a written statement agreeing to abide by the code of conduct within the Naturpark.

Information Material for all Participants

includes, among other things, an “Naturpark Karwendel” protected area leaflet, the Naturpark Karwendel magazine, information on the integration of nature protection, and a route description including details of the rules and code of conduct.

Advertising/Media Presence

More and more is being done to publicise the Naturpark Karwendel and to increase public awareness. The activities in this area are carried out in close contact with the Naturpark Karwendel Association.

Information Points

  • Kleiner Ahornboden Information on the formation of the Ahornboden by means of a model. Two “Naturpark” guides are available here to provide information and answer any questions. 2010 Karwendelmarsch
  • “GIPFELreich” (a wealth of summits) (Falkenhütte) With the aid of spotting scopes and binoculars, we give participants a closer glimpse of the surrounding mountain landscape.
  • Information stand in Pertisau , the Naturpark has an information tent packed with interesting facts and details. Under the heading “REICHTUM Karwendel” (abundance/wealth in the Karwendel), participants can discover fascinating information about the WEALTH of species, forests and mountain pastures and huts in the region.

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